Gender vs engender

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Gender and engender are two words with the same roots but different definitions, they are sometimes confused. We will examine the meanings of the word gender and engender, where these words came from and some examples of their use in sentences.

Gender is used to describe either of two sexes, male or female. Specifically, gender usually refers to the cultural or social characteristics of belonging to a specific category rather than the biological characteristics. Recently, the idea of gender has expanded and includes a wide range of categories that do not correspond to traditional ideas of male and female gender. Discussions concern gender expression, which is the gender that a person wishes to convey without regard to his biological sex and gender identity, which is the gender that a person feels that he is, without regard to his biological sex. Stereotypes of masculinity and femininity are being questioned, as well as gender norms, gender conformity, gender roles and gender identity.  Many languages classify nouns as either masculine, feminine or neuter, which dictates the spelling and syntax of these nouns. The word gender is derived from the Latin word generare which means to produce or beget.

Engender means to give rise something, such as a situation, emotion or condition. At one time engender was used to mean to beget a child, but that use is considered archaic and not generally seen today. Engender is a transitive verb, which is a verb that takes an object. Related words are engenders, engendered, engendering. The word engender is also derived from the Latin word generare, from the sense to produce something, such as a situation, emotion or condition.


California could become the U.S. state with the most fluid definition of gender on its official state IDs if a bill making its way through the legislature becomes law. (Miami Herald)

This exposure will undoubtedly help engender a culture of dialogue in local communities. (The Jordan Times)

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