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Jaded is a word that is confusing to many people. We will examine the definition of the word jaded, where it came from and some examples of its use in sentences.

Jaded is an adjective which describes someone who is cynical, bored or apathetic because of having been exposed too much to something. Jaded usually describes someone who has had too many material riches, has been indulged too much or has has been exposed to the seamier side of life or pleasure for too long. The word jaded is derived from jade, which is usually defined as a certain green stone. However, since the 1600s the word jade has had an alternate meaning, which is an old horse or worn-out horse, or a woman who may be considered a hussy. This use of the word jade is seldom seen anymore, while its meaning is preserved in the adjective jaded.


Greeks were unimpressed by a debt relief package from euro zone finance ministers on Friday, jaded by years of austerity which has pushed a third of the population into poverty and shredded the government’s popularity. (Reuters)

Unfortunately, a history of doping in sport – a history China has played a big role in – has left many too jaded to believe. (The South China Morning Post)

When celebrities come through town to promote their pet causes on Capitol Hill, it’s newsworthy, and you would be surprised how often jaded policy wonks turn into sycophantic fan-girls around even the hoariest reality TV star. (The Weekly Standard)

Six months is probably as long as it takes before we become jaded by new things that spring up. (The Straits Times)

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