Latter vs ladder

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Latter and ladder are two words that are often confused. We will examine the difference in meaning between latter and ladder, where these two words came from and some examples of their use in sentences.

Latter describes something that occurs near the end of something. Latter also means the second or the last in a series, though for the most part, latter only refers to the comparison of two things. Finally, latter may also mean the most recent. The word latter is derived from the Old English word lætra, which means slower.

A ladder is a series of steps made out of wood, plastic or metal used to climb to a greater height. A ladder is generally portable. Ladder is also used figuratively to mean a way to attain a greater height socially, in business, etc. Ladder is also used in British English to mean a run in a stocking. The word ladder is derived from the Old English word hlæder, which means steps.


They might be loath to admit it, but the New England Patriots keep maturing into a latter-day image of their old American Football League rival, the Oakland Raiders. (UPI)

“But on the type of pitch we were playing on, and at that time, the spinners were tying down the batters and Rovman is more adept at bowling at the latter stage or at the death (the end of the innings).” (The Trinidad and Tobago Express)

After hitting the top rung of its ladder in 2006, the housing market began to slide until 2012, when the number of houses sold yearly began to climb. (The Herald Palladium)

A 20-year-old youth sustained injuries on his spine, face and limbs when the hydraulic ladder on which he was perched, to clean lamps on the medians of Grand Southern Trunk Road in Tambaram, collapsed. (The Hindu)

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