Parameter vs perimeter

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Parameter is a noun which means one of a measurable set of variables in a functioning relationship. The parameters of a process or problem are the limits and boundaries that a process or problem must function within. Parameter was first used in the 1650s as a term in geometry, from the Modern Latin word, parameter. In the 1920s, the term began to be used as meaning a measurable factor that defines a particular system. Parameter has come under the modern influence of the word perimeter, and now takes on the meaning of the boundaries or limits in which a problem or process must function.

Perimeter is the boundary of a closed geometrical figure, the boundary of an area or object. In military parlance, the perimeter is the boundary where defenses are set. Perimeter appears in the English language in the early fifteenth century, from the Latin word perimetros and the Greek word perimetron, meaning circumference.


While people continue to debate the overwhelming difference between Malaysia and Singapore’s readings of the Air Pollutants Index (API), the inclusion of a sixth parameter called fine particulate matter (PM2.5) by the city state has been identified as the key component behind the readings. (The Rakyat Post)

His only response to state board members as they considered removing him was a short letter stating that he hadn’t violated “any parameter or law” while serving as a county board member. (The Asheville Citizen-Times)

When it comes to the appeal stage, I think this is, in some cases, a parameter which influences the entire operation of litigation in Turkey. (Today’s Zaman)

The Afghanistan base was a lot smaller – only one kilometre in perimeter and it only housed the New Zealanders. (The New Zealand Herald)

A two-and-a-half metre perimeter was drawn around a disturbed area of sand where it looked like a violent struggle had taken place. (The Sydney Morning Herald)

A 1km-wide security perimeter was installed during the deactivation process by army de-mining experts on Friday morning. (The Brussels Times)


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