Reed vs read

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Reed and read are two words that may be pronounced in the same fashion but are spelled differently and have different meanings. They are homophones. We will look at the definitions of reed and read, where these words come from and some examples of their use in sentences.

A reed is a type of tall grass that grows in wetlands such as bogs, swamps and the shallows of rivers or creeks. Reeds have jointed, hollow stalks. In Britain, reed also describes the straw used in thatching. Reed instruments are orchestral instruments that use a small piece of cane or metal that when blown into, vibrate in a specific way to make music. The word reed is derived from the Old English word hreod which means a rush or a reed.

Read means to look at printed symbols and interpret their meaning or to discern the gist of a situation. Read may be used as a noun or a transitive verb, which is a verb that takes an object. Related words are reads, read, reading, reader. The word read is derived from the Old English word rǣdan, which means to advise, to guide, to explain.


Tina Bakhtadze developed the unique technology of micro-mosaic and implemented it into her art, creating a variety of works using peach, apricot, cherry, melon and watermelon pips and stones, grains of barley, rice, corn, rye and wheat, pine cones and reed plant branches, seeds and petals of flowers, pebbles and shells, and many other natural materials. (Georgia Today)

About 77 percent of Japanese read news online via mobile phone, compared with 46 percent who use personal computers and 14 percent who use tablet computers, the survey showed Sunday. (The Japan Times)

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