Sabbatical vs sabbath

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Sabbatical and sabbath are two words that have similar roots but very different meanings. We will examine the definitions of sabbatical and sabbath, where these words came from and some examples of their use in sentences.

A sabbatical is a stretch of time granted to a professor or other worker in order to study or travel. A sabbatical is paid leave from everyday tasks designed to expand an employee’s horizons. The term was first used in the 1880s, sabbatical may be used as a noun or an adjective. The word sabbatical is derived from the Greek word sabbatikos, which means of the sabbath.

The sabbath is a day of rest, it is a day of the week put aside for religious observance. For Christians, the sabbath is Sunday and for Jews the sabbath is Saturday. The word sabbath is derived from the Hebrew word shabbath, which means the day of rest.


Seven years later, the kids were grown, and my wife and I had another yearlong sabbatical adventure, this time traveling the world to study the intercultural dimensions of the Roman Catholic mass in Croatia, Uganda, South Africa, India, Thailand, and China. (The Chronicle of Higher Education)

The sabbatical is that time you spend not only to rejuvenate your energy but also to use this time to sharpen your focus on your life and career. (The Indian Express)

For example, in advance of the presidential trip to Saudi Arabia, advisor Jason Greenblatt flew to Riyadh early and observed the Sabbath there, without participating in any meetings on the holy day. (Religion News Service)

The second half of the book covers expected topics, like how the British Puritans approached the Sabbath, and how secularization has influenced Sabbath observance in modern times. (Christianity Today)

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