Truck with

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Truck has several rarely used definitions relating to commerce and trading. They derive from the Old French troquer, meaning to barter, while the more common sense of truck—a vehicle used for carrying goods—has unrelated Latin origins. The rarer truck is meant in the idiomatic phrase truck with, where truck is either a verb meaning do business (e.g., I don’t truck with them) or a noun meaning business or dealings (e.g., I have no truck with them). The phrase dates to the early 1600s. While it is rare in American English, it is quite common in British English.


De Havilland doesn’t have any truck with the idea that it is unfeminist to sport heels. [Telegraph]

They also say the opposition leadership in Benghazi will have no truck with the Libyan leader. [Sydney Morning Herald]

In contrast to England, there is no internal market, no providers paid by results and no truck with private-sector experimentation. [Economist]

But words such as that are unlikely to carry much truck with the likes of Graham Marks. [Daily Mail]

As a spiritual aristocrat, he has no truck with the complacent notions of progress and conquest of a Whiggish middle class. [Guardian]

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