Vim and vigor

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Vim and vigor is a plural noun known as a tautology. We’ll look at the meaning of the term vim and vigor, its origin and some examples of how to use it in a sentence. In addition, we’ll define the word tautology.

The term vim and vigor means vitality, energy, robust health. The first word, vim, means high energy, great enthusiasm. The word vim seems like it would be much older than it actually turns out to be. Vim first appeared in the United States in 1843. Some etymologists believe that vim is derived from the Latin word vis, which means strength, energy, power. However, other etymologists believe that the word vim was simply invented. Vim is rarely seen outside the term vim and vigor.

The word vigor also means vitality, energy, robust health, it dates from the 1300s and is derived from the Latin word vigorem, which means activity, liveliness. Since the words vim and vigor have the same meaning, the term vim and vigor is a tautology. A tautology is a phrase or term that states the same idea  twice using different words in order to strengthen the meaning. The term vim and vigor first appeared in the mid-1800s, its use peaked in the 1940s. Vim and vigor is primarily an American term.


She then went on to demonstrate her vim and vigor by opening a pickle jar. (TIME)

Improved lighting, clean lines and an eclectic mix of dining spaces have added vim and vigor to the room. (The Orlando Sentinel)

The result is a picture which, for all its entertaining and illuminating qualities, and for all its vim and vigor, never strays too far from a safely inside-baseball track. (The Hollywood Reporter)



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