Fall into one’s lap and land in one’s lap

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Fall into one’s lap and land in one’s lap are two versions of a popular idiom. We will examine the meaning of the common idiom fall into one’s lap or land in one’s lap, where it came from, and some examples of its idiomatic usage in sentences.

Fall into one’s lap and land in one’s lap describe something that is good but unexpected; it is a windfall or an unanticipated piece of good luck. The expressions fall into one’s lap and land in one’s lap have an uncertain origin, though they both rose significantly in popularity during the twentieth century. Fall into one’s lap seems to be the older of the two iterations and by far, the most popular. Related phrases are falls into one’s lap, fell into one’s lap, fallen into one’s lap, falling into ones lap, lands in one’s lap, landed in one’s lap, landing in one’s lap. The word lap, in this case, means the space created over one’s thighs when seated; it is derived from the Old English word, læppa, which means the front flap of a garment.


Magnussen had learned that in Hollywood, rarely do opportunities fall into one’s lap. (Hollywood Reporter)

Then, out of nowhere, a day of alone time dropped into my lap. (The Guardian)

“Due to COVID-19, I came back here, and this space kind of landed in my lap when I decided I wanted to open a shop,” Hush said. (Sandusky Register)

A big job opportunity lands in your lap today, such as a contract to work with a government agency or major corporation. (Hindustan Times)

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