Friends with benefits

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Friends with benefits is a fairly recent idiom. We will examine the meaning of the common idiom friends with benefits where it came from, and some examples of its idiomatic usage in sentences.

Friends with benefits is an idiom that describes a relationship between friends that also involves a sexual relationship. The assumption is that the sexual relationship does not imply a deeper commitment than simply friendship. The expression friends with benefits seems to have been first used by Alanis Morissette in her song, Head Over Feet, published in 1995. However, in the song, the relationship that is being discussed is a deep and long-term relationship, exactly the opposite of what the phrase means today.


Here we go, team: Justin and Mila hang out on the couch in skimpy clothes, goof on rom-coms (meta!), and ultimately decide to be—you guessed it—“friends with benefits.” (Vogue Magazine)

While it’s a commitment-minded hookup site, many members also use it to find one-night stands, friends with benefits, and other romantic alternatives. (Globe Newswire)

This week Hollywood star Mila Kunis revealed that her relationship with Ashton Kutcher started off as mates having a bit of fun – just like in her 2011 film Friends With Benefits and in his romcom No Strings Attached. (The Sun)

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