Good riddance

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Good riddance is an idiom that has been in use for hundreds of years. We will examine the meaning of the common idiom good riddance, where it came from, and some examples of its idiomatic usage in sentences.

Good riddance is a declaration of relief one makes when freed from something or someone bothersome or annoying. The word riddance is the action of ridding oneself of a pest or irksome person or thing; however, it is an archaic word and is almost never seen outside of its use in the idiom, good riddance. The expression good riddance dates back to Shakespeare’s time; it is found in the play, Troilus and Cressida, produced in 1606. The phrase is sometimes augmented: good riddance to bad rubbish. This iteration of the phrase came into use around the turn of the nineteenth century.


“Good riddance to Anthony, he can now get himself a job at ratings-dead CNN or MSDNC!” the ex-president said. (Daily Mail)

Good riddance to the office suit – now every day is ‘dress down day’ (Independent)

The 2020 baseball season is going to end soon and the most popular response around here will likely be good riddance to bad rubbish. (Philadelphia Inquirer)

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