Kodak moment

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Kodak moment is an idiom that has been in use since the latter half of the twentieth century. We will examine the meaning of the idiom Kodak moment, where it came from, and some examples of its use in sentences.

A Kodak moment is a moment in time that is so precious because of its sentimental value or its beauty, one wishes to preserve it on film. For instance, a baby’s first steps may be considered a Kodak moment. A couple’s first dance at a wedding may be considered a Kodak moment. However, the view of the sweeping vista of the Grand Canyon may also be considered a Kodak moment, or the budding of a beautiful flower. The expression Kodak moment came from a popular advertising campaign for the American Kodak cameras in the latter half of the twentieth century, produced by Eastman Kodak. Kodak cameras such as the Brownie and Instamatic cameras were reasonably priced and easy to use, so even the most inexperienced or busy people could operate them. Digital photography and phone cameras led to the demise of the once ubiquitous home Kodak camera, and the company filed for bankruptcy protection. Today, Kodak focuses on business imaging. Note that the word Kodak is capitalized in the idiom Kodak moment, because it is a proper name. The plural form is Kodak moments.


The eruption as the buzzer sounded set off a Kodak moment as coaches, managers and players engulfed each other in a bench-clearing hug, broad grins mixed with tears. (The Daily Astorian)

Among the early print-ad headlines was “This Kodak moment can’t wait for Dad to get home,” which didn’t really speak to me since I had two working parents. (Forbes Magazine)

“The boss said ‘now that’s a Kodak moment’. I said, I’m on it,” Ms Griffiths said. (Queensland Country Life)

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