Mark my words

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Mark my words
 is an idiom that is hundreds of years old. We will examine the meaning of the common idiom mark my words, where it came from, and some examples of its idiomatic usage in sentences.

Mark my words is a command to listen to the speaker; the expression admonishes the listener to heed the speaker’s words and remember them, because they are important. The phrase mark my words uses the word mark in an archaic way, to mean pay attention. The earliest known use of the expression mark my words occurs in a 1535 translation of the Bible, in the book of Isaiah. The idiom mark my words carries an ominous connotation—as if the speaker is warning about something that is inevitable or warning of something that the listener could avoid if he only pays attention to the speaker.


Tomorrow — mark my words — it will be something else, some other pithy term to serve as a repository of all that the white right fears. (Roanoke Times)

There will be more attacks like these, mark my words, and we’ve been waiting for things like this to happen. (Computer Weekly)

“Mark my words: Nevada will be the safest place to have a convention or to come and visit.“ (AP)

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